Sunday, July 10, 2016

PUBLIC ENEMY'S PROF. GRIFF I DON'T KNOW DALLAS COP KILLER! Pictures says otherwise though !! FROM: @SirHeistZone4

Public Enemy's Professor Griff is shutting down rumors he and Dallas shooter Micah Johnson were pals ... saying a photo of the two shaking hands was only a one time thing.
Social media exploded with the image Friday after the pic was uncovered on Johnson's Facebook page. Griff tells TMZ he never knew Johnson personally and was shocked to see his own face pop up following the shooting. 
Griff says he's been bombarded with vociemails and other messages from people threatening to kill him and his family since the pic surfaced.
And get this ... Griff tells us shortly after the image came up, he was contacted by his local cops for an interview. Griff says once he told the cops he only had the one chance encounter with Johnson, they let him off the hook.
As TMZ reported ... Johnson's social media account revealed involvement with severalBlack Panther organizations and police watchdog groups. It's unclear exactly when and where the pic was taken as Griff says he's done a ton of public appearances.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ghetto Fights 3 THE UNCUT RAW DVD. CRAZY, STREET FIGHTS Download For $ 1 DOLLAR @SirHeistZone4


Ghetto Fights 3

This was hilarious- cuz RAYMOND the security guard, loaned me the DVD pictured above with no case, no nothing, just handed me a scratched up disc. I’ve never seen the box- so I downloaded this pic online:

0I got this video around 5pm on Monday and at 6pm took it straight to the crew for review. Popped this bad boy in- kicked back- and prepared myself to be appalled!

GHETTO FIGHTS 3 is everything the title says. It’s terribly terrific. Some of the video appears to be shot from cell phone cameras, some of the environments include multiple fights at once and the camera man clearly seems confused and torn on WHO to film. Unlike Queen of the Hood: 2, these fights are not staged. It’s a collection of footage from people in the right place at the right time!

Here’s Some screen shots I took of the tv.

One of the fights in the beginning takes place INSIDE a bodega, hilarious!

Lots of the usual woman fighting woman (slap boxing)… Mostly black on black violence…. Although a couple highlights include; what appears to be a 10 year old getting in a free head-stomp to a dude who got whooped.

This guy had a very bizarre defense strategy. After getting kicked in the face about 126 times, he started doing this thing where he was grabbing on to the leg kicking him. Since about 3 dudes were all kicking him, he jumped from leg to leg, gripping for dear life. I’m not sure if this was his idea of preventing further face kicks or the dude was some queer-bait with a foot fetish. Only the Lord knows!

There is a great scene outside a housing project where after this OBESE woman gets her shirt ripped off— another lady carrying what looks like a 6 months old baby starts swinging on bitches- all WHILE holding a baby like a football! Hahahah Mom of the year!!!

Alot of bitch-fights, slapping, schoolyard kids, and drunkards- but this scene was fucked up. A couple heavy-weights got into it… This big dude got the shit beat out him, and then his head stomped (typical for these films) but the beating just kept going and going and GOING! Finally after the dude collapses- some lady checks to see if he’s ok— which he is certainly NOT! She grabs him by the collar, and the man is motionless! I shit you not this mother-fucker got murdered and they filmed it! Top notch GHETTO FIGHT!


GHETTO FIGHTS 3 seems to NEVER end. We watched well over an hour before waffling into boredom. I can say I was definitely satisfied and disappointed in myself for taking pleasure in others pain. At least Ghetto Fights is real beef- Queen of the Hood 2 seemed more depressing since it was hobo dykes getting paid to mortify themselves. You could sense they were basically fist fighting for food. Ghetto Fights just documents the hard streets!

But what got me even more excited than both of these films was the trailer at the end of Ghetto Fights 3 for:


Monday, June 20, 2016

VIDEO: Police Officer Tries To BEAT Woman . . . And Gets BEAT HIMSELF!! @SirHeistZone4

Police Officer Tries To BRUTALIZE A Middle Aged Black Woman . . . And So She Gets Up . . . And Starts WHOOPING The Cowardly Officer's BEHIND!! (Was She JUSTIFIED In Beating Him Up??)

Kentucky Judge Olu Stevens shouldn't have to stand up to racism in court in 2016 (WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) @SirHeistZone4

Kentucky Judge Olu Stevens shouldn't have to stand up to racism in court in 2016 (WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC LANGUAGE)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016, 11:38 AM For the past year, Kentucky Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens, one of the few black judges in Louisville, has had to fight through an outrageous amount of racism.

On Monday, after Stevens revoked the bond of a white man arrested on drug charges, Adam Satterly can be heard on video shouting a racist slur. As Satterly left the court, he was recorded yelling that Stevens was a "punk ass n-----." This, it appears, is still the painful reality for an African-American judge in 2016.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Doctors around the world share images of the strangest Objects Stuck In People's Asses ! LMAO

12 X-rated X-rays! Doctors around the world share images of the strangest - :) - Objects Stuck In People's Asses ! LMAOSincerely The "D"#GroupOwnerAdmin

Posted by Dereck East Point Banks on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sunday, October 4, 2015

NFL STAR: Kordell Stewart GAY LOVER SPEAKS OUT !!! @SirHeist_DSMC @TMZ , @MediaTakeoutTV , @WORLDSTAR

Former NFL Player Kordell Stewarts
ALLEGED Gay Lover Speaks . . .
And It Ain’t Just Any Old Guy . . . Kordell Was Allegedly Sleeping With
Andrew "I'm Delivert" Caldwell

October 4, 2015: got the TEA FOR Y"ALL this morning. Remember that guy who was in church talking about how he was DELIVER'T. Well before he was DELIVER'T . . . dude says he was sleeping with PORSHA from the Atlanta Housewives HUSBAND Kordell Stweart.

The DELIVER'T dude - Andrew Caldwell went on the POPULAR MORNING RADIO SHOW The ShakeupAM ( and snitched how the two met each other. According to Andrew, he had relations with Kordell ONE TIME . . . Porsha KNEW about it . . . and Kordell bought him a bunch of stuff to keep him quiet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Birdman Admits Bi-sexuality and says Lil’ Wayne “Is Gay as Hell”..... @SirHeist_DSMC , @TMZ , @MediaTakeoutTV , @WORLDSTAR

Birdman Admits Bi-sexuality and says Lil’ Wayne “Is Gay as Hell”

Wayne-and-Bird (1)

Birdman and Lil Wayne are putting out dirty laundry like a couple in the middle of a nasty break-up.  For those who  thought that  Lil Wayne and Birdman had  been to bed with each other (figuratively and literally), you may have been right …
When news broke out that Birdman was putting Wayne’s “Tha Carter 5″ on hold for reasons unexplained, Lil Wayne confessed that he felt like a “prisoner” to Cash Money Records and that he wanted to leave Birdman’s label.   It got real when word got out that Wayne is now suing Cash Money Records for $51 million.  Not only that, but he ‘s asked the judge to declare him the joint copyright holder of everything released on his Cash Money imprint, Young Money.  This includes recordings by Drake and Nicki Minaj.
Now  what does Birdman do?  He admits to the world that Lil Wayne is actually a homosexual and that all the songs where he’s speaking sexually about women are actually cover-ups for the men he’s singing about in order to successfully sell his music.  In fact, the man that Wayne is in love with…is the Canadian rapper Drake.
Birdman tries to violate Wayne’s reputation even more by saying that Drake’s song “Doing It Wrong,” on his second album “Take Care” was about Lil Wayne’s desire to be in a relationship and how Drizzy wasn’t down with it.
To dig even deeper into Wayne’s personal life, Birdman says that Drake wasn’t the only man that Wayne wanted to be with:
”He gay as hell”, says Birdman, “He tried to be with me, drake, and even the boy rick ross, but he was after drake more than everybody else and Drake actually wrote the song “Doing It Wrong” for him, cause he ain’t wanna be with him” finished Birdman.
Suddenly, Birdman decides that he also wants to come out the closet by saying that even though he’s straight, he used to be bi-sexual until he realized that “the mind plays tricks on people.”
We’re still waiting on Lil Wayne to respond to the gay accusations.  But if these rumors about Weezy are true, did Birdman take it too far.

Floyd Mayweather's Daughter Gets Jumped In School [VIDEO]... @SirHeistZone4, @TMZ , @MediaTakeoutTV , @WORLDSTAR

Floyd Mayweather's Daughter Gets Jumped In School 'She Held Her Own' [VIDEO]

As a Dad, I def don't want my son mixing it up at school, and I would be horrified if he got jumped, but I have to admit, I'd not only be happy to hear he didn't get hurt, but def proud to hear that he held his own. I'm sure as a Dad he's happy his babygirl Iyanna is now safe, and I'm sure he will follow the proper channels of discussing this at her school, but Money May being a man of the 'sweet science' has to be a little proud;

We'll talk about how these girls were either hating on Iyanna, or she was bragging too much(like pops) and they got tired of it, either way, NOT the way to handle issues.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lawyer’s signs raise questions about DUI checkpoints.... @SirHeist_DSMC @TMZ , @MediaTakeoutTV , @WORLDSTAR

In this Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 photo, attorney Warren Redlich holds up a flyer he designed following an interview in Delray Beach, Fla. The DUI attorney contends that when a driver approaches a police drunk-driving checkpoint, they don't have to speak to the officers. He contends that commonly-used police drunk driving checkpoints violate drivers' constitutional rights. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
In this Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 photo, attorney Warren Redlich holds up a flyer he designed following an interview in Delray Beach, Fla. The DUI attorney contends that when a driver approaches a police drunk-driving checkpoint, they don't have to speak to the officers. He contends that commonly-used police drunk driving checkpoints violate drivers' constitutional rights. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

BOCA RATON, Florida (MEDIA GENERAL) – A criminal defense attorney is gaining national attention after his message about DUI checkpoints went viral.
Warren Redlich is a criminal defense attorney based in Boca Raton, Florida. In 2013, he published a book called “Fair DUI” and launched a web site of the same name (
Redlich’s message is that when drivers approach a DUI checkpoint, they are not required to roll down their windows and talk to police. He says by doing so, drivers open themselves up to problems.
Redlich is not the first with this kind of message. But, he is getting a lot of attention after a video he posted on New Year’s Day received 2.3 million views. “It wasn’t what any of us expected,” Redlich told us.
Redlich says the problem lies in allowing an ordinary person the ability to assert his or her right to remain silent without actually speaking. To fix this problem, Redlich has created downloadable signs that can be printed out and put in the car. The signs are even customized for 10 states.
Customized Fair DUI signs:
  • New York
  • Florida
  • California
  • New Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Utah
  • Texas
  • Georgia
  • South Carolina
The purpose of the flier, Redlich said, is to keep drivers from voluntarily rolling down his or her window. He said if a driver voluntarily rolls down his or her window and voluntarily speaks, then the police officer hasn’t done anything wrong, and it makes it harder for a defense attorney to defend someone.
“I’ve seen innocent people who pleaded guilty because they couldn’t fight or afford an attorney,” Redlich said.
Redlich’s web site very clearly states that his signs are not for drunk people.
When asked if he thinks his signs will help protect drunks who drive, Redlich said, “This is not about helping drunks. This is about helping innocent people. If some drunk person along the way gets help because of this, I’m perfectly okay with that. I’m a criminal defense attorney.”
He said his signs require people to remain patient, silent and follow directions. These are all things impaired drivers have a hard time doing. His system, he said, wouldn’t work for drunks anyway.
Redlich said he’s hearing from people all over the country. “I had a call this morning from a retired police office. He did check points and always thought they were wrong.”
We spoke with a Cooley Law School professor, attorney Curt Benson. He said this effort is not new. And, it’s clear Redlich is using this as a marketing effort for his book and his practice, Benson said.
Benson also pointed out a problem with the printed signs. He did a spot check on Redlich’s signs created in Florida. The card Redlich has on his web site states “I do not have to you my license.” However, just six months ago, July 1, 2014, the law in Florida was changed from using the word “display” to the phrase “you must present or submit (your license) upon demand of a police officer.”
“I think the legislature struck the word display on purpose. The overall point is, his card is already archaic. There’s no way to update these things,” Benson said. He went on to say the law is very dynamic. It’s always changing.
“The other problem is if I was an officer and there’s a small card held against the window, I’m going to say ‘I can’t read that,’ The average officer on the street is not going to get on his knees and read the driver’s license,” said Benson.
He doesn’t think the driver should be put in a position to determine on the spot what is legal and what isn’t.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Warren Sapp Arrested For Solicitation And Assault, Fired From NFL Network.....@SirHeist_DSMC

In keeping that morality clause trump tight, the NFL Network fired football hall of famer Warren Sapp today after he was arrested Phoenix where he was covering Super Bowl XLIX.
Sapp, 42, was booked by Phoenix police on one count of soliciting prostitution and two counts of assault, both misdemeanor offenses, reports NFL Network spokesman Alex Riethmiller released a statement putting the nail in Sapp’s employment coffin: “Warren Sapp’s contract has been terminated and he no longer works for NFL Network.” His page was reportedly taken down from the company’s Web site. Police also released a statement running down the play-by-play from a downtown Phoenix hotel early Monday morning. Cops say they were called regarding a noise disturbance, when a woman came forth to allege she had been assaulted. Police say the argument was over money, and the altercation got physical. Sapp reportedly admitted to the prostitution but did not cop to any assault. However, according to Bleacher Report, Sapp faced domestic battery charges in 2010 (in fact on the day before the Super Bowl that year) and again in 2014, but the first case was ultimately dropped. Whatever his personal shortcoming, Sapp was a bonafide star on the field in his day. He played in the NFL from 1995-2007 with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Oakland Raiders after a collegiate career with the University of Miami Hurricanes; was inducted into the Football Hall of Fame in 2013; and was tapped for the Pro Bowl seven times.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Raven Symone Files Molestation Charges Against Bill Cosby.......@SirHeist_DSMC, @TMZ , @MediaTakeoutTV , @WORLDSTAR

Raven Symone Files Molestation Charges


Bill Cosby

Another rape allegation has surfaced against famed comedian and actor, Bill Cosby. This time it is from a familiar face which speculates that there may be some truth to Cosby's sketchy past.
Actress and singer Raven-Symone, who rose to fame with Cosby in the hit television sitcom "The Cosby Show", revealed to the TMZ offices that she too had been raped and drugged years ago following the shows last episode.
There are whispers that Cosby wouldn't allow Raven-Symone in the production of the last season of his show, but abruptly changed his mind. It was never revealed what changed his original intentions.
Her lawyer gave an announcement to the press, here is an excerpt:
"...we among so many others are tired of the media worshipping and praising a man that has a past so terrible that it is unbelievable. My client (Raven-Symone) is also ready to tell her side of the story. A side that was kept quiet because of threats from being blackballed. There was no monetary compensation that made my client keep quiet, but more so the respect for Mr. Cosby. Well that respect has come to an end. And what we thought was a mistake or anomaly has surfaced to become a lifestyle. We will be pursuing damages that are not going to be disclosed at this time."
On Sunday, Cosby’s attorney issued a statement saying the accusers are rehashing “decade-old, discredited” allegations.
Lawyer John Schmitt said the fact that the allegations are being repeated “does not make them true.” But this particular accusation is interesting. We have a very successful star in Raven-Symone who doesn't look to need any press or financial reward. Which makes us think that Cosby has a really shady past.
Cosby went silent when asked about the new allegations in an interview on NPR on Saturday In the interview, reporter Scott Simon asked Cosby about the claims, but the legendary comic just silently shook his head. To emphasize Cosby’s silence, Simon said, “You’re shaking your head no.”
Cosby has never been criminally charged with sexual assault, but he did settle a civil case in 2006 brought by Temple University employee Andrea Constand who claimed he drugged and groped her at his suburban Philadelphia mansion.
Differences between the two were "resolved to the mutual satisfaction" of both Cosby and Constand, according to a new statement issued Monday by their lawyers.
The media has since found some interesting clips from Cosby's past. Now, the Village Voice unearthed audio clips from the comedian’s ninth comedy album, “It’s True! It’s True,” which was released in 1969. An unfortunately titled compilation given the current headlines, the album includes a disturbing track of Cosby describing his long-standing desire to drug women and take advantage of them.
 In the routine, Cosby describes his childhood fascination with a drug, “Spanish fly,” that supposedly makes women go crazy (or renders them incapacitated) if slipped into a drink. He says his fascination continued into adulthood, when he and “I Spy” co-star Robert Culp had the opportunity to go to Spain — and he became hopeful he might finally get his hands on some Spanish fly. Cosby describes how Culp, too, wanted to get his hands on the drug.
The latest round of bad press for Cosby started in October when comedian Hannibal Buress called him a “rapist” while performing a standup routine in Philadelphia.