Monday, May 19, 2014

VIDEO of man with 1 INCH PENIS exposed by PROSTITUTE !! and yes he is a politician ...... @SirHeist_DSMC


Ok guys, for some time now people have been asking me SIR HEIST, to find this video that a man sued to have taken down. Apparently he is a foreign Diplomat and on one of his many trips without his wife he ordered some "nightly Entertainment" aka Call Girl (Prostitute For The SLOW).

Feeling pleased with the look of his selection, he asked if it was ok for his male aid to record the liason, which he wanted in a hot tub so he could rember this occasion. She agree for a higher fee, got undressed and handed him a condom. After some heavy making out she was ready to have SEX with such a powerful POLITICIAN when she reached down to grab hid penis to insert it into her vagina. AT FIRST she stated to a gossip blog she was in fear thinking HE WAS A WOMAN, then maybe HE LOST "IT" in an acident, then finally she became turned off and upset realizing that , "This was all HE WAS PACKING". She quickly pushed him off of her and began to get dressed. Feeling embarassed he and the aid who was also naked to sleep with her next. Getting dressed first the female grab the camera from the floor and ran. She later used it for a blackmail /extortion attempt that failed. Woman was jailed for 6 months claiming she destroyed the tape. After her release the tape was released and she has not been spotted since. Some say he had her killed, and others speculate she was paid for the tape and left town.

Long story short, 
and Thanks, Sir Heist CEO of Ghetto TV

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