Sunday, July 10, 2016

PUBLIC ENEMY'S PROF. GRIFF I DON'T KNOW DALLAS COP KILLER! Pictures says otherwise though !! FROM: @SirHeistZone4

Public Enemy's Professor Griff is shutting down rumors he and Dallas shooter Micah Johnson were pals ... saying a photo of the two shaking hands was only a one time thing.
Social media exploded with the image Friday after the pic was uncovered on Johnson's Facebook page. Griff tells TMZ he never knew Johnson personally and was shocked to see his own face pop up following the shooting. 
Griff says he's been bombarded with vociemails and other messages from people threatening to kill him and his family since the pic surfaced.
And get this ... Griff tells us shortly after the image came up, he was contacted by his local cops for an interview. Griff says once he told the cops he only had the one chance encounter with Johnson, they let him off the hook.
As TMZ reported ... Johnson's social media account revealed involvement with severalBlack Panther organizations and police watchdog groups. It's unclear exactly when and where the pic was taken as Griff says he's done a ton of public appearances.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ghetto Fights 3 THE UNCUT RAW DVD. CRAZY, STREET FIGHTS Download For $ 1 DOLLAR @SirHeistZone4


Ghetto Fights 3

This was hilarious- cuz RAYMOND the security guard, loaned me the DVD pictured above with no case, no nothing, just handed me a scratched up disc. I’ve never seen the box- so I downloaded this pic online:

0I got this video around 5pm on Monday and at 6pm took it straight to the crew for review. Popped this bad boy in- kicked back- and prepared myself to be appalled!

GHETTO FIGHTS 3 is everything the title says. It’s terribly terrific. Some of the video appears to be shot from cell phone cameras, some of the environments include multiple fights at once and the camera man clearly seems confused and torn on WHO to film. Unlike Queen of the Hood: 2, these fights are not staged. It’s a collection of footage from people in the right place at the right time!

Here’s Some screen shots I took of the tv.

One of the fights in the beginning takes place INSIDE a bodega, hilarious!

Lots of the usual woman fighting woman (slap boxing)… Mostly black on black violence…. Although a couple highlights include; what appears to be a 10 year old getting in a free head-stomp to a dude who got whooped.

This guy had a very bizarre defense strategy. After getting kicked in the face about 126 times, he started doing this thing where he was grabbing on to the leg kicking him. Since about 3 dudes were all kicking him, he jumped from leg to leg, gripping for dear life. I’m not sure if this was his idea of preventing further face kicks or the dude was some queer-bait with a foot fetish. Only the Lord knows!

There is a great scene outside a housing project where after this OBESE woman gets her shirt ripped off— another lady carrying what looks like a 6 months old baby starts swinging on bitches- all WHILE holding a baby like a football! Hahahah Mom of the year!!!

Alot of bitch-fights, slapping, schoolyard kids, and drunkards- but this scene was fucked up. A couple heavy-weights got into it… This big dude got the shit beat out him, and then his head stomped (typical for these films) but the beating just kept going and going and GOING! Finally after the dude collapses- some lady checks to see if he’s ok— which he is certainly NOT! She grabs him by the collar, and the man is motionless! I shit you not this mother-fucker got murdered and they filmed it! Top notch GHETTO FIGHT!


GHETTO FIGHTS 3 seems to NEVER end. We watched well over an hour before waffling into boredom. I can say I was definitely satisfied and disappointed in myself for taking pleasure in others pain. At least Ghetto Fights is real beef- Queen of the Hood 2 seemed more depressing since it was hobo dykes getting paid to mortify themselves. You could sense they were basically fist fighting for food. Ghetto Fights just documents the hard streets!

But what got me even more excited than both of these films was the trailer at the end of Ghetto Fights 3 for: