Monday, June 30, 2014

19 YEAR OLD Mother Attempts To Suffocate Baby, As Cry For Attention ...... @SirHeist_DSMC

ORLANDO, FL- A 19-year-old mother is arrested after attempting to suffocate her three-month-old daughter in Florida.
The child was saved after she stopped breathing, and set off a live camera in her room, which caught the unthinkable act.
19-year-old Breena Winter found herself behind bars after allegedly attempting to suffocate her 3-month-old daughter.
According to the arrest warrant the alleged abuse took place at Nemour's Childrens Hospital, in one of the patient rooms.

The baby was admitted to the hospital 3 weeks ago in protective custody, when the Department of Children & Families expressed concern that the baby had been previously physically abused.
Investigators say a hospital camera caught the mother with her hands in the crib, as the nurses got an alert that the child's had stopped breathing.
Doctors revived the baby, but the heart rate went down again just hours later when the mother was seen holding the baby tightly against her chest while nursing.
After the second incident the nurses activated a code blue, sending emergency help to the baby's room.
In an interview with detectives, Winter admitted to trying to suffocate the child in both instances, and said she did it for attention.

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