Oh Naomi Naomi. It’s hard to believe that you are 42 with that fabulous figure and lovely face. The hair on the other hand is another matter.
I don’t do celebrity ‘look-at-how-terrible-she-looks’ type articles as a matter of principle but I’m compelled to say something about the recent pictures of Naomi’s hairline.
This picture was taken last week sometime while she was on holiday. For a 40-something woman, she doesn’t look half bad in a bikini but most of us are left too dumbfounded by the state of her hair to notice. That there is textbook traction alopecia.
For those who don’t know what traction alopecia is, it’s a thinning or balding of edges caused by the tension applied when braiding hair. This may happen with weaves, wigs or braids.
Now it’s not the first time that Naomi Campbell has had been in the news about the baldness. And should we be surprised? After years of relying on weave extensions during her modelling career, this was bound to happen eventually right?
It wasn’t always so bad for Ms Campbell, earlier on in her career, she rocked those partial weaves something fierce!
But it all went downhill pretty sharpish after that. I’m sure you all remember seeing the bald shots from a couple of years back?
It’s good to see that Naomi bounced back straight after her unfortunate headlines; here she was a few hours after the bikini shots at an charity Olympic dinner. She is all glammed and lace wigged up, clearly having shrugged off the earlier drama.
When it comes to hair extensions in general, I certainly don’t think it’s all doom and gloom. When used sensibly, they can be a part of any good regimen and I have used them myself with great success. There are a few things I have learned though.
1. Any kind of braiding should be done with a light hand. If you usually have someone else braid your hair, it shoud never, ever feel tight. If it does, take it out immediately. I’m sure most of us would be happier dealing with the added expense of redoing a weave every month than dealing with bald patches.
2. Weaves should not be worn for extended periods of time. I’m a great believer in this, although its probably more to do with my itchy fingers wanting to play in my own hair, but it’s also a great tip for avoiding stress to your folicles and matting. 6-8 weeks is the maximum period for wearing a weave before you have to take it down.
3. Don’t use the same braiding pattern over and over again. Again this is to avoid stress to the same follicles continuously. Some women have had brilliant length retention with wearing weaves back to back but I would strongly suggest switching things up with every install. Leave your perimetre out sometimes for a partial weave, and sometimes braid all your hair up for a full weave.
4. Don’t weigh your hair down by installing to much hair. I have already included this tip in my weave tips article but it’s worth a mention here as well. If you are micro braiding adding too much extension hair to a tiny section of your own hair will cause breakage and thinning.
5. Don’t braid at all if you already have thinning edges. If your edges have already been affected, don’t assume that covering up with weave will encourage them to grow back in. Kiss goodbye to braiding of any kind until those babies grow back. Mild to moderate traction alopecia can be treated quite successfully. Essential oils like Rosemary, Lavender and peppermint are tipped as being pretty good with helping regrowth. Mega tek is also heavily backed in the hair regrowth stakes. If you find that these treatments are not working, it may be time to go in for the hard guns like Rogaine topical solution or as a last resort, hair transplants.
6. Don’t apply relaxers to bald areas. Yes, relaxers aggravate the condition and may even damage the follicles beyond repair. Many a time women have gone natural for personal reasons and seen traction alopecia disappear along with the relaxer. I’m not saying that everyone with traction alopecia should go natural but you should certainly not dismiss the idea without fair consideration.
It’s a shocking statistic but hair transplant procedures have increased sharply among African American women, particularly young women in the last few years. Wearing weaves full time is a sure sign of self esteem issues. I’m not here to preach but I speak the truth when I say that your own hair was never the problem in the first place.
- See more at: http://www.blackhairinformation.com/general-articles/lessons-to-be-learned-from-naomi-campbells-hairline/2/#sthash.jPtcvqDm.dpuf
Yesterday, Nicki Minaj caused quite the stir when she unveiled the artwork for her next single "Anaconda," showing off her curvaceous posterior in the tiniest of undergarments. Despite the fact that Nicki has never been shy about her body, whether she's posting nearly nude selfies on Instagram or donning electrical tape on her nipples to skate by censors, people were shocked by this latest photo. The Huffington Post went with the headline "Nicki Minaj's NSFW 'Anaconda' Cover Will Make Your Jaw Drop" while The Guardian opted for "Nicki Minaj's Anaconda cover artwork: too racy for its own good?"
Minaj got wind of this blowback, and responded with a very reasonable question: Why is it that supermodels like Kate Upton who appear on magazine covers, most notably the Sports Illustrated Swisuit Issue, don't get any blowback for doing the exact same thing? She posted a series of similar photos to her Instagram feed, noting that they were all deemed "acceptable" by the general public, while the "Anaconda" artwork was "UNACCEPTABLE." Given the fact that this is hardly uncharted territory for celebrities, especially pop stars, we'll assume this has more to do with clickbait and, hopefully, less to do with race. Either way, good for Nicki for pointing out this hypocrisy, and huge props to whomever Photoshopped her into a Google doodle. "Anaconda" will be released Monday, July 28, via iTunes.
Nicki Minaj, not getting why you're so mad about her butt PHOTO BY KEVIN WINTER/GETTY IMAGES
Yesterday, Nicki Minaj caused quite the stir when she unveiled the artwork for her next single "Anaconda," showing off her curvaceous posterior in the tiniest of undergarments. Despite the fact that Nicki has never been shy about her body, whether she's posting nearly nude selfies on Instagram or donning electrical tape on her nipples to skate by censors, people were shocked by this latest photo. The Huffington Post went with the headline "Nicki Minaj's NSFW 'Anaconda' Cover Will Make Your Jaw Drop" while The Guardian opted for "Nicki Minaj's Anaconda cover artwork: too racy for its own good?"
Minaj got wind of this blowback, and responded with a very reasonable question: Why is it that supermodels like Kate Upton who appear on magazine covers, most notably the Sports Illustrated Swisuit Issue, don't get any blowback for doing the exact same thing? She posted a series of similar photos to her Instagram feed, noting that they were all deemed "acceptable" by the general public, while the "Anaconda" artwork was "UNACCEPTABLE." Given the fact that this is hardly uncharted territory for celebrities, especially pop stars, we'll assume this has more to do with clickbait and, hopefully, less to do with race. Either way, good for Nicki for pointing out this hypocrisy, and huge props to whomever Photoshopped her into a Google doodle. "Anaconda" will be released Monday, July 28, via iTunes.
Father smirks as he is sentenced to 18 years for fatally beating two-year-old daughter in attack he hoped would make her a lesbian so she would avoid men
A father has been sentenced to a minimum of 18 years and nine months in prison for beating his two-year-old daughter to death in an attack he had hoped would make her a lesbian.
Donovan Lamar Haynes, 23, was sentenced in Flint, Michigan on Monday after pleading no contest to second-degree murder for the 2011 killing of Ti'Airra Woodward.
A pre-sentence investigation report claimed Haynes had beat the girl to turn her gay in hope that she would avoid men like him, who had a history of treating women poorly, Mlive reported.
Haynes' attorney Elbert Hatchett called him 'deranged' before Genesee Circuit Judge Joseph J. Farah sentenced him to serve a concurrent five-to-15-years in prison for first-degree child abuse.
Proud of yourself? Donovan Haynes smirks as he is escorted into the courtroom in Flint, Michigan for sentencing. He was given at least 18 years for beating his toddler daughter to death three years ago
Defiant: Haynes beat his daughter in the hope she would become a lesbian and avoid men like him
'You don't beat her in hopes she's going to turn gay,' Farah said, adding that Haynes should have used his own experiences to teach his daughter how to deal with aggressive men.
'This case is a case that defies reason, logic, common sense,' Hatchett added. '[It's a] tragedy to see the life of an innocent child snuffed out for no reason at all.'
The attorney added that Haynes needs to undergo psychological counseling while in prison.
Haynes bit and beat Ti'Airra in July 2011 and she was found unresponsive in the basement of Haynes' mother's Flint Township home.
The little girl was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead at Hurley Medical Center.
Killed: Two-year-old Ti'Airra Woodward was covered in bite marks when she was found unresponsive in 2011
Devastated: Charlene Woodward, the girl's grandmother, cries as she embraces a relative outside court
Hurt: Relatives cry outside the court where the judge and attorneys had lambasted his 'senseless' killing
Authorities initially said that it appeared she had died from a blunt force trauma to the abdomen and the medical examiner's report said the toddler died of internal bleeding from a lacerated liver.
After her death, Flint Police Chief George Sippert said she was the youngest homicide victim he could remember in 25 years with the department.
'It's extremely tragic and I know it affects a lot of members of the police department that are investigating this case,' he said.
Ti'Airra's mother, Nakeesha Woodward, left the court in tears on Monday but returned to the courtroom in time to hear her former boyfriend's sentence.
'I lost a child,' she sobbed as she asked the judge for the strictest punishment.
Man sues pizzeria for injuries during robbery attempt
Sean O’Sullivan, The (Wilmington, Del.) News Journal2:24 p.m. EDT July 22, 2014
NEWPORT, Del. — The first time Nigel Sykes tried to get money from the Seasons Pizza restaurant, he did it with a gun, forcing his way into the business through the back door.
This time, Sykes is trying to get money from the pizzeria by suing the employees who tackled him and wrestled his gun away during the robbery.
Sykes alleges assault in a federal civil complaint claiming the rough treatment was "unnecessary" and that as a result of the injuries he suffered during his attempted hold-up, he is due over $260,000.
Sykes also claims in his suit, filed without an attorney, that after employees subdued him, two Newport police officers improperly used stun guns on him and denied him access to medical attention.
Normally lawsuits like this are tossed out after a brief review by the court. And while U.S. District Judge Sue L. Robinson tossed out several of Sykes' claims, she allowed the case to move forward against the pizza employees, two arresting officers and Seasons.
Officials with Seasons declined comment but Newport Police Chief Michael Capriglione said, "It is a joke lawsuit."
"It is sad to see this kind of suit being looked at. The court shouldn't waste the taxpayers' money," he said.
Sykes, 23, of Wilmington, filed his federal civil action in 2013 from prison, where he is serving a 15-year sentence for robbery and attempted robbery.
In his self-written complaint, Sykes admits, "I committed a robbery at Seasons Pizza" on Maryland Ave. on Nov. 30, 2010, just before 8 p.m. He admits he "displayed" a handgun and that an employee —a delivery driver and one of the named defendants — "handed me $140."
He says he then started to make his way forward in the store when a different employee grabbed him from behind and other employees wrestled the gun from him, with at least one shot being fired during the struggle.
"That is when the assault began," according to Sykes' suit. "All of the Season's Pizza employees participated in punching, kicking and pouring hot soup over my body. I was unarmed and defenseless and had to suffer a brutal beating by all of the employees of Seasons Pizza," he wrote, adding the beating knocked him unconscious.
In Sykes' first 2011 complaint, which is significantly different than the most recent one, he claimed an unknown person robbed him at gunpoint "and then forced me, after giving me a gun, to (rob) a nearby Seasons Pizza."
"I complied with his commands and proceeded to rob the establishment." he wrote in 2011, adding he informed employees that he was being forced into the hold-up by someone outside.
In that account, which was tossed out on procedural grounds, Sykes also claimed employees beat him with pots and pans, rendering him unconscious and described the beating as "unnecessary."
Sykes claims in both suits, "I was aroused from my state of unconsciousness, only to realize that I was handcuffed and being tasered," by the police. He concludes by alleging the officers denied him needed immediate medical attention for the burns and stun gun wounds and other injuries for eight hours. And one officer used a racial slur, he wrote.
Sykes demands $20,000 each from six Seasons employees, $20,000 from each of the two arresting officers and $100,000 from Seasons.
Employees at Seasons remember the robbery and said one employee was shaken up by it for a long time. In the restaurant's kitchen, they still have a trash can that was hit by a bullet from Sykes gun and someone wrote the name of the employee who was narrowly missed by the shot over the bullet hole.
Attorneys for the two Newport police officers recently filed a response to the suit, seeking to have it tossed out on statute of limitations grounds.
At the time of his 2010 arrest, police said Sykes was linked to at least eight other robberies including a bank, three other pizzerias, two fast food restaurants and two convenience stores.
Sykes pleaded guilty in New Castle County Superior Court in July 2011 to five counts, resolving some 51 charges against him including counts related to the attempted robbery at Seasons and the Sept. 2010 robbery of a WSFS Bank. A Superior Court judge then sentenced him in April 2012 to 15 years for robbery, attempted robbery and three weapons counts.
Shortly after entering his plea, Sykes attempted to withdraw it claiming in a motion that he had not taken his medication that day. Both the Superior Court and the Delaware Supreme Court denied the request, citing the fact that Sykes attorney said on the day of the plea that Sykes had no mental issues and was not on medication.
In his motion, Sykes also wrote that he should be allowed to take back his plea because, "I'm not good at making good choices."
It's no secret that the world of hip-hop promotes an extravagant lifestyle. After all, flashier possessions can lead to more cred, business opportunities, and even more flashy possessions. The world of hip hop has generated enormous wealth for people like Diddy, Jay-Z, Russell Simmons, Dr. Dre, Birdman and 50 Cent, just to name a few. But things aren't always rosy for these superstars. A shocking number of hip-hop artists, managers and producers have blown through even more shockingly large fortunes in very short periods of time. Below are 12 rappers and hip-hop figures that have learned the hard way what happens when you ball too hard.
During a February 2013 child support hearing, Bow Wow revealed to a judge that he only had $1500 in his checking account and his monthly income was just $4000. Less than a year earlier, Bow Wow's $200,000 Bentley was repossessed and the IRS announced that the rapper owed six figures in back taxes. Shocking news considering Bow Wow was once a multi-platinum artist who starred in several hit Hollywood movies. Current net worth: $10 thousand.
While not technically a rapper himself, as a producer, Dash has had a hand in a number of the industry's finest albums. After making over $50 million partnering with Jay-Z and forming Roc-A-Fella Records, the hip hop mogul now owes nearly $3 million in unpaid taxes, and recently admitted in court that he's "several months behind in paying" his personal bills, including $100,000 in rent on his home. As you may expect, said home comes lush with extraneous amenities—a swimming pool, full music studio, hardwood floors and an incredible view. Wonder how much debt only a modest view would eliminate?
After bursting onto the scene as the super-producer behind 90s hip-hop duo Kriss Kross, Jermaine Dupri went on to launch his own highly successful company So So Def Recordings. At his peak, JD earned more than $10 million per year and had a personal net worth of $60 million. Unforuantely, Despite releasing hit albums by artists like Jagged Edge, Da Brat and ironically Bow Wow, Jermaine has struggled to keep his business affairs in line. In May 2011, JD was allegedly almost bankrupt and within an inch of losing his home and master recordings to foreclosure. He somehow owed $500 thousand in back taxes to the state of Georgia and $3 million to the IRS. As of July 2013, Dupri is supporting himself with a $5 million loan from Sun Trust bank. If he fails to make the payments on that loan, Sun Trust has the right to reposes all of JD's possessions, including his homes, cars and all of So So Def's master recordings. Apparently, Money is a Thang.
Another producer on the list, Storch saw success during the early and mid 2000s, achieving a net worth somewhere north of $70 million. How did he blow so much cash so quickly? In the most stereotypical ways possible, of course, including buying several luxury cars, excessively gold jewelry, a mansion, and a yacht he named Tiffany. Oh, and literally TONS of cocaine. It's doubtful he was thinking of the pop singer when he chose the name, but it's safe to say Storch is alone now. Current net worth: $300 thousand.
Xzibit may know all about cars, but apparently he didn't even own one himself. The former Pimp My Ride host owed nearly $1 million in back taxes as of 2010, and was leasing a 2006 Range Rover for just $2,330 a month. The biggest reason for his downfall? Pimp My Ride going off the air. Xzibit earned nearly $500,000 a year from the show, and when it ended, the lavish spending continued—without the income to support it.
Alas, "Take it to Da House" did not apply to Trick providing money to the IRS—the southern rapper has avoided paying taxes over the course of several years since 2002, and owes nearly $157,000 to the government. His Miami home was foreclosed in 2010, making it all the more difficult for him to rep the 3-0-5.
He went from asking "What's Luv?" to "What's tax?" The rapper received four months of jail time for failing to pay taxes up to $700,000 in 2007 and 2008. He essentially pleaded ignorance, saying "You gotta understand we hire guys who are supposed to have Harvard degrees to take care of us." There's a lesson in Fat Joe's misfortune: don't completely leave your finances in someone else's hands. Even if they have a fancy college degree.
The former member of G-Unit was kicked out of the group back in 2008, and to say things have been tough since then is a bit of an understatement. The IRS raided the rapper's home to help pay for an outstanding tax debt of $334,000, he was targeted in a drive-by shooting, and in April 2012 he received an 18-month prison sentence for gun possession. At the end of July a public auction was held at his estate, with goodies like a soda machine, a 50 Cent plaque and numerous watches being sold. Current net worth: Negative $300 thousand.
Proving that reckless abandon for paying the government isn't limited to just men, Lil' Kim has failed to file over $1 million in taxes since 2002. Furthering the issue, she put her plans to release a new album on hold in favor of supporting her probable beau Floyd Mayweather during his prison sentence for domestic battery. Priorities, people.
Beanie Sigel clearly knows how pay taxes, since he filed a $10,000 payment in 2001. But for the other years spanning from 1999-2005, he neglected to do so, and now owes the IRS over $728,000 in back taxes. Sigel swears that he lived a modest lifestyle, but friends took advantage of his wealth and lived it up on his behalf. Whatever the case may be, he's currently serving a 24-month prison sentence for tax evasion. And there's no dodging that. Current net worth: $100 thousand.
The Houston rapper owed more than $123,000 in four different child support cases. Scarface said he had, in fact, paid the money, but since he didn't do so through a proper court of law, there was no real evidence of him paying. Thus, Scarface spent 10 months behind bars before being released in mid-2011. He's currently working on a solo album and warned all fathers to send anything child support-related through the courts; otherwise "you not gonna get no credit for it." Current net worth:Negative $500 thousand.
On the bright side, some of these cautionary tales can have positive endings. In Method Man's case, when things looked their bleakest, it turns out all he needed was a little chronic. Or, rather, to stop smoking it for awhile. When repo men came to take some of the rapper's valuables, he didn't panic—it wasn't due to lack of finances that he neglected to pay the roughly $52,000 he owed in taxes, but instead a fondness for pot. "Because I got high, I forgot to pay. It was stupid. I'm an idiot for that," Meth said. Somewhere, Afroman is smiling.
this happend in march 2012..me and my wife are in a london a hotel and getting ready to go out for a meal somewhere around holborn area, it was abour 20:00 we had lunch and red wine and a few cocktails we was in a merry and happy mood. My wife donna is 37 young at heart and very curvy all over 5ft 9in.. smooth skin big sexy eyes shes wearing a knee lengh shiny purple pleated skirt and a tight purple v neck top and wearing her 1950s style bra that showed off her 38dd boobs that made them stick out like they could poke your eyes out. has sexy legs, wide hips inhance by a thick black belt buckled tight around her waist and wore 3inch heels and she glowed with a sexy dark tan. After the meal, i surggested to her we go out to a bar or a club in town, she said "ohhhhh great lets go" we left the resturant and hailed a black cab and told the cabby to take us to piccadilly circus, after we go there,there was a few night spots dotted around the area. Donna noticed one not far ahead but the crowed looked young and imature.. she jogged upto the bouncer asked him what type of venue it was and told her it was soul night 70s to 80s night. i told her i dont like soul music..she gave gave me the puppy eyes look and said "please please you might like it tonight, it takes me back to the 80s!!" "in a 1950s out fit?? ok"she kept talking and chatting away about how feels and how she looks...the queue was huge, my wife was behind me holding me tight she wasnt saying much after 5mins she was dead silent i ask her if she was ok she said "yes" after for 15 mins we paid the fee and went in the club,the music was loud. it wasnt that bad..pretty cool. We headed towards the bar saw a few people looking at her as we got there. we ordered a few drinks and stayed at the bar for a while looking around and chatting. Now at this point i was pretty slogged up...my wife was tipsy I took her by the hand through the crowd of people,most were dancing..when I looked back at her, a few guys were behind her, one talking into her ear..i saw her smile a little, then saw a hand glide over her left boob very discreetly. I looked away quick continued cutting through the crowd getting turned on from what i saw. we eased passed lots of poeple i felt her grip tighten felt her being pulled back a few times. we managed to find a less crowded area, near a corner with a very large loud speaker box near by with a few tables and chairs on the left about 5meters away we drank our drinks in one swoop and laughed out loud we kissed hugged for a few seconds, she started to dance and moved her hips from side to side ..she looked so sexy in her 50s out fit,she was dancing real sexy, guys and girls were looking at her, we kissed and messed about for about 15mins. i told her i was going to take a seat the bass from the speaker was killing my ears. she gave me her glass she looked like she was enjoying herself.10 mins later i saw the same guys about 3 of them from earlier heading towards this area they looked about 18- 21. she signaled me to come and join her but i signalled to her if she wanted a drink she smiled at me then blew a kiss and said yes. i headed towards the bar i was pushed and knocked by a few poeple it was really crowded now. I looked over to my wife she looked hot.. real sexy then saw 6 guys dancing near her. she was smiling away but dancing with a little less movement than before. I waited to be served then looked again, saw only saw 4 guys dancing right in front of her can only see her partially next to the speaker one of the 4 guys leaned forward and said something to her,she smiled at him, she was then pulled by her waist from behind,then i lost sight of her for 10 seconds i saw her step forward into view and pulled back.. pulled forward and was spun around like a ballarina by another.a few more guys approuched, then they surrounded her, she pushed a few of them back..shouting at them,they came closer and backed off..some dancing..she gave a few of them a good telling off...showing them the ring on her finger. I was distracted a scuffle between 2 girls, at the entrance one had a nasty cut on the cheek she was swearing and throwing her arms about. i looked back at donna..now surrounded by 8 or 10 guys real close to her,i quickly left the bar area and stood on a higher surface near the bar area. she tip toed and looked in the direction of the bar i turned and ducked slightly..at that moment saw a few hands slide up her legs under her skirt and she didnt really react to it only a slap on the offending arms. i sat close to a girl that looked a little drunk for 20mins she spoke alittle english her name was tia wearing a real short skirt sexy long legs can tell she taller than me real pretty looked about 23 she noticed my hard on but i didnt care she smiled at me and gave me her number ,i stood up looked over at my wife and i couldnt really see what was going on but she had a surprised look on her face, jolting back and forth i was excited like never before..she jolted again and a few more times. some were going down low and coming back up in a dancing motion, she kept looking down i could see her biting her lower lip.she spoke to one of them showing them the ring on her finger, he slapped it away, a finger went upto her nose she pulled back. hands were all over her boobs and legs, she looked around very quickly..another pushed her boobs together..she looked upset with a fake smile..her mouth opened in shock then looked down saw her saying no.no no..i think she was waving her finger at the guy to the left of her. she moving back n forth and side to side looking in my direction then tip toed again i saw her eyes close briefly. most of the guys where grinning, i felt sick but turned on like crazy,she was biting her lower lip again then they all surrounded her dancing to the beat, she kept looking in my direction.then another female aprouched them they all backed off her the girl and my wife spoke for a while my wife pointed in my direction im guessing telling her that she was waiting for me. they both danced away then the girl left when the music changed it looked like my wife was enjoying the music the guys aprouched her again then saw give 2 guys real good earful, they all backed off laughing at each other. she walked forward and tried to ease pass them, but 2 guys stepped forward front and back then all of them followed suite.she had a crude look on her face one guy put his arms around her waist, it looked as if he said something to her. i saw her disagreeing with his comment..she had about 6 guys around her really close i could see her saying stop it STOP..no no all of a sudden her eyes lit up for 3seconds then she was slowly danced away into the dark unlit corner by the crowd followed by a final upward jolt. she was waving her hands in the air in my direction i could see many hands under her top moving around like it had a life of it own. she slowly lowered her arms with a final frantic wave she gave up after 15sec she surrendered and gave into the crowd then i lost sight of her. I went back to the bar to get the drinks shaking like a leaf waiting to be served i looked over again saw her hand left holding onto the side of the speaker box waving away then forcefully disappear. Then a performer jumped up onto a platform and started singing the crowd went wild a guy spilt his drink on my shirt sleeve,he looked at me and said nothing...i stood there leaning on the bar for a good 15mins i had butterflies fling around in my stomach..think to myself it serves her right..i liked it. The crowd was going crazy I grabbed my drinks couldn't see my wife just many heads..arms waving in the air to the music. i was scared but excited like hell. After easing through the crowd I got back to my seated area i managed to squeeze through a gap by the speak box..it was packed with guys.i was pushed and shoved about,i managed to get up close..i could just about make out her face in the dark in the corner, behind her was 2 eastern eruopean looking guys, her head tilted back eyes tightly shut mouth open and breathing fast and heavy her lip was trembling..it was so erotic that i stood there and watched swigging my beer with a hard on a few guys made a good view point, i could see 3 black guys doing something but couldnt see what was going below it was real dark but could still just about see what was going on. she made a sharp upward jolt she lifted her head with hair suck to her face it was hot and sweaty,then she slid down the wall. a few guys went down with her, more guys scrambled to the corner i was told to move out the way, i got back to my seat which was soaked with a spilt drink, i could hear the words go go go go go coming from the corner and clapping then a very loud cheer and laughter. this went on for a good while..i was drinking any drink that i could see..1 guy came over to me and said"she got a nice pair of **** my friend. and we were fingering her when you guys stood in line outside..and we tasted her before you sat right here..you both married??"he laughed and walked away. The smoke machine turned on then a green strobe light light flickered in my face for about 45 mins.. i could see shapes and faces hear lots of cheering i was real drunk by now..saw tia girl walk passed me into the crowd of guys she was quickly taken by the hand by a few of them. i got up walk to the toilet and puked up what i ate earlier all over the bowl and over my shoes..then i heard a few voices saying" she drank the lot..martin was giving it to her real hard..that black guy didnt pull out...did you?..she gave me a sexy wink when i saw her walking passed earlier i had to finger her...aint seen the guy for ages...i pulled out and shot on her legs...here smell my finger...i got her ring...come on..shes married..is shes still there? paterson didnt pull out..that polish guy wouldnt move..think she blew a kiss at me when she was dancing..i knew she was a swallower..they left and i passed out. Then i heard a voice saying.."hey hey wake up..then a hard push. i looked around, the place was almost empty no crowd.. no phone.. and no wife..i searched for 5mins and i had to leave with the few that was there. I got to the hotel and entered, she was in bed naked.. i thought how the hell could she of left me there.. i looked around the shoes v neck top and bra were on the floor..no skirt and thong later that day she ask me..where i was that night i told her i got to the bar came back and passed out..drunk.. did you see me? she said "yes i came over to you and gave you a big kiss. and sat beside you most of the night..then i met an old friend from school i tried to wake you a few times you started shouting at me i took a cab and went back to the hotel. i ask her about her purple skirt and thong she says" i spilt drink all over it and it and i sat in puke i thew them out that window. i looked out the window and saw her skirt and underwear in between bushes on the far side. when we was leaving she stormed off towards the waiting cab and got in, leaving me with one large suitecase and 2 large bags. i was about leaving, i said bye to the manager, he called me over and said" did you see anybody using spray paint on the walls by the fire extinguisher on the 2nd floor? it appears they where drunk teens in the building the cleaner had to remove plenty of beer cans outside in the back did you see or hear anything? a young man was seen throwing something out of a window. 3month later i found a receip on the bedroom floor for a denim mini skirt heels eye stuff hair pins etc i later found out that she has been to the same club 2 times without me. due to work i havnt told her what i saw that night.
Eight-month pregnant teenager found dead in the trunk of suspected killer's car after he crashed it and committed suicide
Brooke Slocum, 18, was found dead in the trunk of suspected killer Brady Oestrike's car
Oestrike was under surveillance Thursday night when he left his house and was chased by police
Police say the 31-year-old crashed his car and then committed suicide by shooting himself
The discovery of Slocums' body comes just one day after her boyfriend Carlie Oppenneer was found murdered in a park
Police found the body of an eight-months-pregnant teen dead in the back of her suspected killer's car, after the man committed suicide at the end of a high-speed chase Thursday night.
The body of 18-year-old Brooke Slocum, who was carrying unborn daughter Audi Lynn, was discovered just one day after cops found her 25-year-old boyfriend Charlie Oppenneer murdered in a Wyoming, Michigan park.
On Friday, Wyoming Police Chief James Carmody identified the dead suspect as Brady Oestrike, 31, also of Wyoming and said he connected with Slocum on Craigslist.
Couple killed: Eight-months-pregnant teenager Brooke Slocum (left) was found dead Thursday night, in the trunk of her suspected killer's ca. Her body was found one day after police discovered her 25-year-old boyfriend Charlie Oppenneer (right) murdered in a wooded area
Suspect dead: Slocum's body was found in the trunk of suspected killer Brady Oestrike's (pictured) car. He led police on a high-speed chase Thursday night before crashing the car and then allegedly shooting himself dead
Police were keeping watch at Oestrike's home Thursday night, waiting on a warrant to search the house, when they saw him drive away at around 9:15pm.
A SWAT team had been called in to aid in the search sine they suspected Oestrike had 'assault-style' weapons on the premises.
Oestrike then led police on a high-speed chase through the town.